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why chrome shows cookies for all domains in resources tab

I've opened Chrome's web developer tools (F12) and navigated to Resources tab. I then selected Cookies tab and clicked on cookies specific to my domain inreado.git.local. However the view showed cookies for domains other than mine, like google.com and others (see attached image)enter image description here. Why so? I'd expect only the cookies specific for my domain appear on the view.

like image 765
Max Koretskyi Avatar asked Feb 01 '14 17:02

Max Koretskyi

1 Answers

As explained in the Chrome DevTools documentation, that's because those cookies were set in iframes:

Cookies are listed by domain. This includes the main document as well as all nested frames. Selecting one of these “frame groups” displays all cookies, for all resources, for all frames in that group. There are two consequences of this grouping to be aware of:

  • Cookies from different domains may appear in the same frame group.
  • The same cookie may appear in several frame groups.
like image 177
Stéphane Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10
