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Why choose an XSL-transformation?


For a current project the decision has to be made whether to use XML and an XSL-transformation to produce HTML or to directly use HTML-templates.

I'd be interested in arguments for or against the XSL-approach. I understand that in cases where you have to support many different layouts, an XSL-solution has a lot of advantages, but why would you choose it in those cases where you only have to support one target layout?

Edit: We're talking about Java here.

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B.E. Avatar asked Apr 29 '09 15:04


People also ask

Why is XSL transformation used?

XSLT = XSL Transformations XSLT is used to transform an XML document into another XML document, or another type of document that is recognized by a browser, like HTML and XHTML. Normally XSLT does this by transforming each XML element into an (X)HTML element.

What is XSL and its benefit?

XSL gives a developer the tools to describe exactly which data fields in an XML file to display and exactly where and how to display them. Like any style sheet language, XSL can be used to create a style definition for one XML document or reused for many other XML documents.

Why is XSL important?

The flexibility of XSL and its pieces is extremely valuable for information publication and presentation. Unlike traditional tools, which associate one style sheet with one document, you can create any number of style sheets for a single XML document or information type.

Is there any benefit of converting XML to XSLT?

XSLT is commonly used to convert XML to HTML, but can also be used to transform XML documents that comply with one XML schema into documents that comply with another schema. XSLT can also be used to convert XML data into unrelated formats, like comma-delimited text or formatting languages such as troff.

2 Answers

XSLT is a functional programming language and you can use it to create frontends as rich as any templating system. However, you shouldn't — you and your team will go insane.

Both options present the opportunity of transforming objects into a presentation form in a logical sort of way. XSLT is best suited for creating more XML, which might lead you to believe that it's a perfect candidate to use to create XHTML. However, creating XHTML shouldn't be the primary goal — Creating a user experience is. Don't concern yourself with the medium.

Two significant drawbacks to XSLT concern the syntax: Your templates, and the templates that they include, and the templates that those templates include will all be gigantic and verbose. Second, you'll have to do a lot of functional programming, and less-experienced engineers may be confused and terrified when they encounter a recursive template with an accumulating function parameter instead of a simple for loop.

If you're attracted by the beauty of transforming logically-constructed, valid XML entities, consider instead a type-safe templating system that transforms beans instead. Check out Google XML Pages, and create logically-organized, type-safe templates that will be easy for future engineers to pick up and extend.

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a paid nerd Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 04:09

a paid nerd

I created an XML/XSLT-driven UI for an enterprise product about 5 years ago. We're still using it, and I can now look back on my experience and see many pros and cons:


  • XSL is a powerful declarative language, useful & fun for experienced developers, and transforms can do pretty amazing things in a few lines of code
  • XSL is designed for use with XML, so if your data is already XML then it makes a lot of sense
  • Separation of concerns (rendering vs. data) is better than many template languages
  • XSL-based rendering can be easily "subclassed". By that I mean: let's say you have data class A with associated template A.xslt. For class B derived from A, you can easily create B.xslt with only the small differences, and include A.xslt for inherited behaviors. This makes it less succeptible to breaking due to changes in A.xslt.
  • The above point also gives you the power to do overrides. For class A with associated A.xslt, we can easily switch the associated template to A-custom.xslt, which is a few small changes plus inheritance of A.xslt. We can do this on the fly in the field and again, the benefit is that A-custom.xslt is only a few lines, not an entire modified copy of the original A.xslt. The small footprint means it's more likely to work with multiple versions of A.xslt.
  • In .NET 2.0, XSLT is compiled and becomes very fast. There may be similar tech for Java. (Most template languages do this now too.)
  • In .NET, it's possible to create an "Object XPath Navigator", which lets you transform your data objects without having to convert them to an XML object. Again there may be similar tech in Java
  • XSLT is smart about HTML & handles escaping, white space issues, etc. well


  • XSL is a powerful declarative language, confusing to newer programmers - and fewer people know XSLT well
  • XSL is verbose. XML is often verbose too.
  • XSL transforms are probably slower than "native" templates. Even when compiled there's still more state overhead to XSL than most template languages
  • It's hard to pass parameters to XSLs, you have to either send them in line with your data (forcing you to create extra XML) or via system-specific methods (which may also involve constructing XML data)
  • If you don't have an ObjectXPathNavigator or equivalent, you'll incur significant overhead when turning your data objects into XML for transformation
  • Depending on the capabilities of your transformer, you may also incur buffering overhead as you transform into a string buffer and then send that string to the output device
  • The more advanced your XSLT usage, the less likely it is that your tools will support you (specifically as you start to use includes or faster ways to pass XML data in)

I'll try to update as I think of more issues. I think that looking back now, my verdict would be to stick with a common template language. What were once big issues when I selected XML/XSLT have now been addressed by newer and more mature revisions of the major template engines. We do still benefit greatly from the ability to inherit .xslt files, which is something most template engines don't do well. But in the end the value of having lots of developers providing examples is far greater (compare ASP.NET answers vs XSLT answers on StackOverflow, for instance.)

Hope that helps!

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Steve Eisner Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09

Steve Eisner