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Why can't interfaces specify static methods?

Suppose you could specify in an interface that a type had to have a particular static method... how would you call it? Polymorphism works through instances - whereas static members explicitly don't use instances.

Now, having said that, there's one situation in which I can see static interface members working: generic types. For example:

// This isn't valid code...
public void Foo<T>() where T : ICodeGenerator
    string type = T.GetDbConnectionType();

That would call the static member on the concrete type T.

I've blogged more about this, but I suspect the benefit doesn't justify the complexity.

In terms of alternatives - usually you'd have another interface, and have separate types to implement that interface. That works well in some contexts, but not in others.

@JonSkeet: It's possible to create a static interface member in CIL, so I'm afraid your first statement is misleading. I assume it was omitted from C# as a design choice by the Microsoft team to encourage correct usage of interfaces.

The best way to get this functionality is probably with extension methods, these will allow you to add a method to all inheritors of your interface or to a specific implementation of that interface however you need to write a separate class to hold the implementation of the extension method which (if not planned for) can be easy to lose track of.

Jon's answer covers pretty much everything so my answer only includes a possible work around using the .NET configuration API. It requires a bit of syntax overhead but it does give you static access to the instance.

interface IStorage
    void Store(string item);

static class Storage
    private static readonly IStorage _instance;

    static Storage()
        var storageTypeString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storageTypeString"];
        var storageType = Type.GetType(storageTypeString, true);
        _instance = (IStorage)Activator.CreateInstance(storageType);

    public static void Store(string item)

It might be somewhat helpful if an interface could specify a static class, such that members of that class would be seen by the compiler as static members of that interface. Thus, instead of having to use static class Enumerable<T> to get Enumerable<T>.Default, one could instead syntactically specify IEnumerable<T>.Default.

It would be even more helpful if an interface could specify that some such static methods should be usable in a fashion similar to extension methods, but without the weird scoping rules associated with them (so an interface could appear to offer multiple "convenience" overloads for some member functions without requiring all of the implementations to provide them).

It would be extremely helpful if, combined with such a feature, interface methods could be declared "optional", such that when an implementation provided a method it would be used, and when it did not the extension-ish method would be automatically substituted. This would probably require changes to the CLR, however.

In any case, because interfaces do not include static classes, the best one can do is provide static classes which users of the interface will find helpful, even though the compiler will regard those classes and the interfaces as entirely independent entities.