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Why can't I zip two lists of different lengths?





In F# if one tries to zip two lists of different lengths one gets an error:

List.zip [1..4] [1..3]
// System.ArgumentException: The lists had different lengths.

However, it is very easy to define an alternative definition of zip that accepts two argument lists of different lengths:

let rec zip' (xs: 'T list) (ys: 'T list) =
        match (xs, ys) with
        | ([], _) -> []
        | (_, []) -> []
        | ((z::zs), (w::ws)) -> (z, w) :: zip' zs ws

zip' [1..4] [1..3]
// val it : (int * int) list = [(1, 1); (2, 2); (3, 3)]

Is there a good reason not to use this alternative definition? Why wasn't it adopted in the first place?

like image 586
Soldalma Avatar asked Oct 28 '17 20:10


People also ask

Can you zip two lists?

You can also zip two lists in python with the combination of zip() function and for loop. It is the least used method where the interlist aggregation can be done with the chain function, while the intralist aggregation can be done with the zip() function.

What happens when you zip two lists in Python?

Here, you create a dictionary that combines the two lists. zip(fields, values) returns an iterator that generates 2-items tuples. If you call dict() on that iterator, then you'll be building the dictionary you need.

1 Answers

This is, indeed, a bit confusing because there is a mismatch between List.zip (which does not allow this) and Seq.zip (which truncates the longer list).

  • I think that zip which works only on lists of equal length is a reasonable default behaviour - if it automatically truncated data, there is a realistic chance that you would accidentally lose some useful data when using zip which might cause subtle bugs.

  • The fact that Seq.zip truncates the longer list is only sensible because sequences are lazy and so, by design, when I define a sequence I expect that the consumer might not read it all.

In summary, I think the behaviour difference is based on "what is the most sensible thing to do for a given data structure", but I do think having two names for the operations would make a lot more sense than calling both zip (alas, that's pretty much impossible to change now).

like image 159
Tomas Petricek Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 01:11

Tomas Petricek