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Why can't I match on a Stream?




scala> def f(n: Seq[Any]) = n match { 
     case Nil => "Empty" 
     case h :: t => "Non-empty" 
f: (n: Seq[Any])String

scala> f(Stream())
res1: String = Empty

scala> f(List(1))
res17: String = Non-empty

scala> f(Stream(1))
scala.MatchError: Stream(1, ?) (of class scala.collection.immutable.Stream$Cons)
  at .f(<console>:13)
  ... 33 elided

There are a lot of other ways to implement this, but at written the code was statically safe and failed at run time. What's going on?

like image 457
Michael Lorton Avatar asked Mar 02 '17 01:03

Michael Lorton

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1 Answers

For Stream, the concat symbol should be #::, the pattern match should like:

  def f(n: Seq[Any]) = n match {
    case Nil => "Empty"
    case h :: t => "Non-empty"
    case h #:: t => "Non-empty stream"

for :: is for List / Seq type(List extends from Seq:) ), see:

final case class ::[B](override val head: B, private[scala] var tl: List[B]) extends List[B] {
like image 74
chengpohi Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10
