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Why can't I increment a variable of an enumerated type?



I have a enumerated type StackID, and I am using the enumeration to refer to an index of a particular vector and it makes my code easier to read.

However, I now have the need to create a variable called nextAvail of type StackID. (it actually refers to a particular stackID ). I tried to increment it but in C++, the following is illegal:


Which sort of makes sense to me ... because there's no bounds checking.

I'm probably overlooking something obvious, but what's a good substitute?

I also want to link to this question.

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BeeBand Avatar asked Aug 13 '10 08:08


People also ask

How do you increment an enum?

Incrementing an enumeration requires a cast to convert the integer result of addition back to the enumeration type, as in: d = day(d + 1);

Can I increment an enum in C?

Nothing in the C Standard prevent incrementing variables of enum types. Of course the value of bla is just incremented by 1 , it may correspond to another enumeration value or not, depending on the actual values of the enumeration values in the enum type.

Can you increment an enum in Java?

You can't "increment" an enum, but you can get the next enum: // MyEnum e; MyEnum next = MyEnum.

Can you extend an enum class C++?

No, there is not. enum are really the poor thing in C++, and that's unfortunate of course. Even the class enum introduced in C++0x does not address this extensibility issue (though they do some things for type safety at least).

2 Answers

I'm probably overlooking something obvious, but what's a good substitute?

Overloading operator++:

// Beware, brain-compiled code ahead!  StackID& operator++(StackID& stackID) { #if MY_ENUMS_ARE_CONTIGUOUS && I_DO_NOT_WORRY_ABOUT_OVERFLOW   return stackID = static_cast<StackID>( ++static_cast<int>(stackID) ); #else   switch(stackID) {     case value1 : return stackID = value2;     case value2 : return stackID = value3;     ...     case valueN : return stackID = value1;   }   assert(false);   return stackID; // some compilers might warn otherwise #endif }  StackID operator++(StackID& stackID, int) {   StackID tmp(stackID);   ++stackID;   return tmp; } 
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sbi Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10


Because enumerations do not have to be contiguous. E.g. take this example:

enum Colors {  cRed, // = 0  cBlue, // = 1  cGreen = 3 } 

What should happen in this scenario?

Colors color = cBlue; Colors other = color++; 

Should other be cGreen or should it be 2. In that case it's not a valid enumeration member anymore. What about this?

Colors color = cGreen; Colors other = color++; 

Should other be cRed (wrap around) or 4?

As you can see, being able to increment enumeration values introduces a whole lot of questions and complicates the simple mechanism that they intend to be.

If all you care about is the integer value being incremented, then simply cast to int and increment that.

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Igor Zevaka Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10

Igor Zevaka