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Why can't I go to sign in page to Gitlab.com from Browser?



I went to about.gitlab.com. from there I clicked on sign in. The browser keeps showing: "Checking your browser before accessing gitlab.com.". This has been going on for 10 hours. I have Already tried clearing my cookies and restarting my pc. This did not yield any result. My firewall is turned off so it isn't a firewall issue.

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freeroamer90 Avatar asked Dec 01 '20 07:12


People also ask

Why is Gitlab checking my browser?

Chances are it's a routing problem, you could use one of the free VPN services, and connect from your computer, choosing for example a different location to where you are. If it works, then it means the problem is not your computer but routing issues from your ISP to the gitlab servers.

Why does Cloudflare keep checking my browser?

Occasionally, you or a visitor to your site may see the following message when attempting to go to the site. Typically, this message occurs when a specific user's connection is being diverted by the DDoS Protection services we employ.

2 Answers

This is so extremely frustrating and makes me want to move everything back from GitLab to GitHub.

In my case, the addon that GitLab (actually cloudflare) didn't like was the Chameleon (Random Agent Spoofer) plugin, which I use to prevent tracking/fingerprinting across websites.

  • https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chameleon-ext/

Thanks Cloudflare for depending on fingerprinting and effectively issuing a DOS attack on GitLab customers that use tools to protect themselves.

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Michael Altfield Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Michael Altfield

That seems related to a DDOS protection by Cloudflare (since GitLab has changed ts CDN provider to Cloudflare last March 2020

GitLab.com users with a whitelist of sites in their firewall setup will need to change what is whitelisted for GitLab.com.
For the initial change, we will be switching DNS to Cloudflare. This will cause all GitLab.com traffic to be proxied through Cloudflare.
This change will be visible by changes in DNS records queried for GitLab.com. A whitelist of IPs can be found here.

The OP freeroamer90 reports in the comments:

  • it is working in incognito mode
  • the issue seems related to the Quick Heal Anti Tracker extension (Firefox or Chrome) which was blocking the site.
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VonC Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
