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Why can't I boot an AVD from Eclipse with 1024 MB of RAM?

So, like a lot of people starting Android development with Eclipse, even with a fast machine, I notice that the emulator runs frustratingly slow.

I search SO for any tips to make it run faster and I run across this question, whose top answer suggests a couple of things, including making the AVD have more RAM. They suggest 1024MB:

enter image description here

Sounds good. But when I try to launch it, I get this:

Failed to allocate memory: 8
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

If I set it to 512MB (up from the default 256MB) it launches fine.

But why, on a Windows 7 x64 machine with 12GB of physical RAM can I not allocate 1024MB to an AVD? Is it an Eclipse limitation? Emulator limitation? Java limitation? I presume the person in that other question got it working but I've yet to figure out how and most of the responses I see elsewhere say "yeah dial it down to 512MB" which is not the answer I'm looking for.

like image 313
Tom Kidd Avatar asked Jan 13 '12 16:01

Tom Kidd

1 Answers

From Galaxy s3 emulator:

There is a common problem when setting up the AVD that you have to manually edit the config file to fix. File is located at C:\Documents and Settings\username\.android\avd\name_of_avd.avd\config.ini

Change the memory settings from




(Do not enable word wrap in notepad).

Save the file and reopen the avd. This worked for me.

like image 77
user2005091 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
