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Why cannot I use bind variables in DDL/SCL statements in dynamic SQL?

I am trying to execute an SQL command within dynamic SQL with bind variables:

-- this procedure is a part of PL/SQL package Test_Pkg
PROCEDURE Set_Nls_Calendar(calendar_ IN VARCHAR2)
      SET NLS_CALENDAR = :cal'
      USING IN calendar_;
END Set_Nls_Calendar;

Then on the client side, I am trying to invoke the procedure:

Test_Pkg.Set_Nls_Calendar('Thai Buddha');

But this get's me ORA-02248: invalid option for ALTER SESSION.

And my question is: Why cannot I use bind variables in DDL/SCL statements in dynamic SQL?

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sampathsris Avatar asked Aug 25 '14 15:08


People also ask

How do you bind variables in dynamic SQL?

You can bind define variables in a dynamic query using the BULK COLLECT INTO clause. As shown in Example 7-4, you can use that clause in a bulk FETCH or bulk EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. Only INSERT , UPDATE , and DELETE statements can have output bind variables.

How do you bind variables in SQL query?

Use a bind variable in PL/SQL to access the variable from SQL*Plus. Bind variables are variables you create in SQL*Plus and then reference in PL/SQL. If you create a bind variable in SQL*Plus, you can use the variable as you would a declared variable in your PL/SQL subprogram and then access the variable from SQL*Plus.

How do you declare bind variables?

You simply have to write a command which starts with keyword VARIABLE followed by the name of your bind variable which is completely user defined along with the data type and data width. That's how we declare a bind variable in Oracle database.

Can we use bind variables in Oracle stored procedure?

REFCURSOR bind variables can also be used to reference PL/SQL cursor variables in stored procedures. This allows you to store SELECT statements in the database and reference them from SQL*Plus. A REFCURSOR bind variable can also be returned from a stored function.

1 Answers

Bind variables are not allowed in DDL statements. So following statements will cause errors:

  • Example #1: DDL statement. Will cause ORA-01027: bind variables not allowed for data definition operations

      'CREATE TABLE dummy_table ( dummy_column NUMBER DEFAULT :def_val )'
      USING 42;
  • Example #2: DDL statement. Will cause ORA-00904: : invalid identifier

      'CREATE TABLE dummy_table ( :col_name NUMBER )'
      USING var_col_name;
  • Example #3: SCL statement. Will cause ORA-02248: invalid option for ALTER SESSION

      USING var_calendar_option;


To understand why this happens, we need to look at How Dynamic SQL Statements Are Processed.

Typically, an application program prompts the user for the text of a SQL statement and the values of host variables used in the statement. Then Oracle parses the SQL statement. That is, Oracle examines the SQL statement to make sure it follows syntax rules and refers to valid database objects. Parsing also involves checking database access rights1, reserving needed resources, and finding the optimal access path.

1Emphasis added by answerer

Note that parsing step happens before binding any variables to the dynamic statement. If you examine the above four examples, you will realize that there is no way for the parser to guarantee the syntactical validity of these dynamic SQL statements without knowing the values for bind variables.

  • Example #1: Parser cannot tell if the bind value will be valid. What if instead of USING 42, programmer wrote USING 'forty-two'?
  • Example #2: Parser cannot tell if :col_name would be a valid column name. What if the bound column name was 'identifier_that_well_exceeds_thirty_character_identifier_limit'?
  • Example #3: Values for NLS_CALENDAR are built in constants (for a given Oracle version?). Parser cannot tell if the bound variable will have a valid value.

So the answer is that you cannot bind schema elements such as table names, column names in dynamic SQL. Nor you can bind built in constants.


The only way to achieve referencing schema elements/constants dynamically is to use string concatenation in dynamic SQL statements.

  • Example #1:

      'CREATE TABLE dummy_table ( dummy_column NUMBER DEFAULT ' || to_char(42) || ')';
  • Example #2:

      'CREATE TABLE dummy_table (' || var_col_name || ' NUMBER )';
  • Example #3:

      'ALTER SESSION SET NLS_CALENDAR = ''' || var_calendar_option || '''';
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sampathsris Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10
