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Why can other methods be "static" but a constructor cannot?

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Why can't we make a constructor static in Java?

No, we cannot define a static constructor in Java, If we are trying to define a constructor with the static keyword a compile-time error will occur. In general, static means class level. A constructor will be used to assign initial values for the instance variables.

Can static methods have constructors?

A static constructor doesn't take access modifiers or have parameters. A class or struct can only have one static constructor. Static constructors cannot be inherited or overloaded. A static constructor cannot be called directly and is only meant to be called by the common language runtime (CLR).

Can a static method call a constructor?

Static method cannot cannot call non-static methods. Constructors are kind of a method with no return type.

What is difference between constructor and static method?

Constructors can't have any return type not even void. Static factory methods can return the same type that implements the method, a subtype, and also primitives. Inside the constructor, we can only perform the initialization of objects.

Java has [static constructors] static initialization blocks which can be viewed as a "static constructor":

class Foo {
  static String Bar;
  static {
     // "static constructor"
     Bar = "Hello world!";

In any case, the only method in the main class which must be static is the main method. This is because it is invoked without first creating an instance of the "main class". A common technique, and the one I prefer, is to quickly get out of static context:

class Main {
   int argCount;

   // constructor
   public Main (String[] args) {
     // and back to boring ol' non-static Java
     argCount = args.length;       

   void runIt () {
      System.out.println("arg count: " + argCount);

   // must be static -- no Main instance created yet
   public static void main (String[] args) {
      Main me = new Main(args);

Also, static has nothing to do with "name clashes". A static method (or variable) is simply a method (or variable) that is not associated with a specific instance of a type. I would recommend reading through the Classes and Objects Java Tutorial and the section Understanding Instance and Class Variables.

Happy coding.

I am sharing one of the reason "why not a java constructor be static".

Simply to say, "A java constructor is always non static" because,

The purpose of the constructor is only to initialize/construct the object, and to make inheritance possible. To do these we need to use the two useful java keywords (cum non-static variables) such as this and super. We will use 'this' to initialize the object. We/Java will use super(ofcourse super()) to invoke super class constructor so that super object(or Object class) created first then the child object(hence the inheritance) If the constructor is static then we cant use that two keywords(non-static variables) inside the constructor(As we know non-static stuff cant be referenced from static context)

So java constructors should not static.

Static methods belong to a class, not an object. The main method must be static because it is called first, before any other code has executed to instantiate any objects. It provides an entry point to the program. Static methods are called from outside of the container of an object. The same is true of static class variables. Only one copy exists for the entire class, as opposed to a member variable, which is created once for each object created from a class. They are used to store data for the class, such as the number of object instances have been created and not destroyed. This data belongs with the class. A good example of a static method is in the singleton pattern, where the constructor is private and can only be accessed by a static member function. A function outside the class would be unable to replicate this functionality. This method acts on class data and objects, so logically belongs to the same class. This all boils down to encapsulation. A class is responsible only for itself and knows only itself.

On the other hand, object methods are meant to operate on the data associated with a single instance of a class, an object. Constructors are the code that is used to initialize an object and set it's data to an initial state. They are executed immediately (and automatically) after the memory has been allocated to store a new object. Even if you do not explicitly define a constructor, a kind of "default constructor" is executed in order to map the object's member variables and the object's method code to the new object.

Hope this helps.

Constructor is used to create Objects.

Static is generally which is same for all objects.

So, if we have had static constructors creation of one object would affect all the other existing objects.

Static methods only reference to static variables. Therefore all the initial parameters which you are giving to create an object would change for all objects. It is no point creating similar objects for no use.

Hope this helps.... :)

Constructor is the property of an object while static has nothing to do with object. That's why there is nothing like static constructor. But we have static block to do the similar task as constructor i.e. initialization of fields etc.

On page 272 of Thinking In Java, 4th Edition, by Bruce Eckel, it says:

²The constructor is also a static method even though the static keyword is not explicit. So to be precise, a class is first loaded when any of its static members is accessed.

A little bit more context.

... the compiled code for each class exists in its own separate file. That file isn't loaded until the code is needed. In general you can say "class code is loaded at the point of first use." This is usually when the first object of that class is constructed, but loading also occurs when a static field or static method is accessed.²

This makes a lot of sense, if you think about the rule that says that a static method can't use non-static methods of the same class. I had this doubt a couple weeks ago when I couldn't understand how, using the Singleton Pattern, you could access the constructor inside the static method that is used to create a new instance of that class. Today I was flipping through the book and I came across this explanation.

It also makes sense in a way that, if the constructor wasn't static, you'd first need an instance of that class to be able to access it, but I guess this could spark up the old discussion about the chicken or the egg.

Hope it helped!