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Why can .NET not have memory leaks?

Ignoring unsafe code, .NET cannot have memory leaks. I've read this endlessly from many experts and I believe it. However, I do not understand why this is so.

It is my understanding that the framework itself is written in C++ and C++ is susceptible to memory leaks.

  • Is the underlying framework so well-written, that it absolutely does not have any possibility of internal memory leaks?
  • Is there something within the framework's code that self-manages and even cures its own would-be memory leaks?
  • Is the answer something else that I haven't considered?
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Dinah Avatar asked Mar 26 '10 19:03


People also ask

Is memory leak possible in C#?

If you have implemented a very long-running or infinite running thread that is not doing anything and it holds on to objects, you can cause a memory leak as these objects will never be collected. The fix for this is to be very careful with long-running threads and not hold on to objects not needed.

What is .NET memory leak?

A memory leak may happen when your app references objects that it no longer needs to perform the desired task. Referencing said objects makes the garbage collector to be unable to reclaim the memory used, often resulting in performance degradation and potentially end up throwing an OutOfMemoryException.

How do you prevent memory leaks in .NET applications?

Start the debug diagnostic tool and select 'Memory and handle leak' and click next. Select the process in which you want to detect memory leak. Finally select 'Activate the rule now'. Now let the application run and 'Debugdiag' tool will run at the backend monitoring memory issues.

Does Visual Studio check for memory leaks?

The Visual Studio debugger and C Run-time Library (CRT) can help you detect and identify memory leaks.

2 Answers

.NET can have memory leaks.

Mostly, people refer to the Garbage Collector, which decides when an object (or whole object cycle) can be gotten rid of. This avoids the classic c and c++ style memory leaks, by which I mean allocating memory and not freeing it later on.

However, many times programmers do not realize that objects still have dangling references and do not get garbage collected, causing a... memory leak.

This is normally the case when events are registered (with +=) but not unregistered later on, but also when accessing unmanaged code (using pInvokes or objects that use underlying system resources, such as the filesystem or database connections) and not disposing properly of the resources.

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Oded Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10


There are already some good answers here, but I want to address one additional point. Let's look very carefully again at your specific question:

It is my understanding that the framework itself is written in C++ and C++ is susceptible to memory leaks.

  • Is the underlying framework so well-written, that it absolutely does not have any possibility of internal memory leaks?
  • Is there something within the framework's code that self-manages and even cures its own would-be memory leaks?
  • Is the answer something else that I haven't considered?

The key here is to distinguish between your code and their code. The .Net framework (and Java, Go, python, and other garbage-collected languages) promise that if you rely on their code, your code will not leak memory... at least in the traditional sense. You might find yourself in situations where some objects are not freed as you expect, but these cases are subtly different from traditional memory leaks because the objects are still reachable in your program.

You are confused because you correctly understand that this is not the same thing as saying any program you create can't possibly have a traditional memory leak at all. There could still be a bug in their code that leaks memory.

So now you have to ask yourself: would you rather trust your code, or their code? Keep in mind here that their code is not only tested by the original developers (just like yours, right?), it's also battle-hardened from daily use by thousands (perhaps millions) of other programmers like yourself. Any significant memory leak issues would be among the first things identified and corrected. Again, I'm not saying it's not possible. It's just that it's generally a better idea to trust their code than it is your own... at least in this respect.

Therefore the correct answer here is that it's a variant of your first suggestion:

Is the underlying framework so well-written, that it absolutely does not have any possibility of internal memory leaks?

It's not that there's no possibility, but that it's much safer than managing it yourself. I'm certainly not aware of any known leaks in the framework.

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Joel Coehoorn Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10

Joel Coehoorn