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Why can I call += with a single parameter on a Scala Set?



The mutable Set has a method def +=(elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): Set.this.type but I can call this method with a single paramter:

val s = scala.collection.mutable.Set(1, 2)
s += 4

What method is actually called? There seems to be no overload for += with a single parameter. What is the intention of the above method signature?

like image 443
deamon Avatar asked Sep 19 '13 14:09


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1 Answers

Well, a little investigation here:

scala> val s = scala.collection.mutable.Set(1,2)
s: scala.collection.mutable.Set[Int] = Set(1, 2)

scala> s += 4
res0: s.type = Set(1, 2, 4)

scala> s +=
<console>:9: error: missing arguments for method += in trait SetLike;
follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied funct
              s +=

Oh, OK, so let's find the trait SetLike docs:

abstract def +=(elem: A): SetLike.this.type

Adds a single element to the set.

And now it's clear it's an implementation of an abstract method in the mutable.SetLike trait.

like image 161
Patryk Ćwiek Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 12:11

Patryk Ćwiek