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Why aren't Xcode breakpoints functioning?

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Why are my breakpoints not working?

If a source file has changed and the source no longer matches the code you're debugging, the debugger won't set breakpoints in the code by default. Normally, this problem happens when a source file is changed, but the source code wasn't rebuilt. To fix this issue, rebuild the project.

How do I enable breakpoints in Xcode?

Navigate to a line in your code where you want execution to pause, then click the gutter or line number in the source editor to set a breakpoint. Xcode displays a breakpoint icon to indicate the location. Drag a breakpoint up or down to move it to another location; drag it away from the gutter to remove it.

How do I activate breakpoints?

To set a breakpoint in source code, click in the far left margin next to a line of code. You can also select the line and press F9, select Debug > Toggle Breakpoint, or right-click and select Breakpoint > Insert breakpoint.

What does a dotted breakpoint mean in Xcode?

Show activity on this post. It means the breakpoint is on a line of code that will never be executed. For example: Follow this answer to receive notifications.

First of all, I agree 100% with the earlier folks that said turn OFF Load Symbols Lazily.

I have two more things to add.

(My first suggestion sounds obvious, but the first time someone suggested it to me, my reaction went along these lines: "come on, please, you really think I wouldn't know better...... oh.")

  1. Make sure you haven't accidentally set "Active Build Configuration" to "Release."

  2. Under "Targets" in the graphical tree display of your project, right click on your Target and do "Get Info." Look for a property named "Generate Debug Symbols" (or similar) and make sure this is CHECKED (aka ON). Also, you might try finding (also in Target >> Get Info) a property called "Debug Information Format" and setting it to "Dwarf with dsym file."

There are a number of other properties under Target >> Get Info that might affect you. Look for things like optimizing or compressing code and turn that stuff OFF (I assume you are working in a debug mode, so that this is not bad advice). Also, look for things like stripping symbols and make sure that is also OFF. For example, "Strip Linked Product" should be set to "No" for the Debug target.

In Xcode 7, what worked for me was:

  1. Make sure that the Target > Scheme > Run - is in Debug mode (was Release)

  2. Make sure to check the option "Debug executable":

Debug executable

Go to the Xcode Debugging preferences. Make sure that "Load Symbols lazily" is NOT selected.

I was just having this same issue (again). After triple-checking "Load symbols lazily" and stripping and debug info generation flags, I did the following:

  1. quit Xcode
  2. open a terminal window and cd to the project directory
  3. cd into the .xcodeproj directory
  4. delete everything except the .pbxproj file (I had frank.mode1v3 and frank.pbxuser)

You can accomplish the same task in finder by right/option-clicking on the .xcodeproj bundle and picking "Show Package Contents".

When I restarted Xcode, all of my windows had reset to default positions, etc, but breakpoints worked!

One of the possible solutions for this could be ....go to Product>Scheme>Edit scheme>..Under Run>info>Executable check "Debug executable".

For Xcode 4.x: Goto Product>Debug Workflow and uncheck "Show Disassembly When Debugging".

For Xcode 5.x Goto Debug>Debug Workflow and uncheck "Show Disassembly When Debugging".