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Why are we allowed to use const with reference types if we may only assign null to them?




The question is actually very straightforward. The following code throws the exception right below it:

class Foo
    public const StringBuilder BarBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    public Foo(){



Foo.BarBuilder' is of type 'System.Text.StringBuilder'. A const field of a reference type other than string can only be initialized with null.

MSDN says this, which I understand and it makes sense from const perspective:

A constant expression is an expression that can be fully evaluated at compile time. Therefore, the only possible values for constants of reference types are string and a null reference.

However, I don't see the reason why or where we would use null constant. So why in the first place that a reference type (other than string) can be defined with const if it can be only set to null and if it was a deliberate decision (which I believe it is) then where can we use constant with null values?


When we think of an answer, please let's think differently than "We have this so why not that..." context.

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Tarik Avatar asked Dec 30 '14 05:12


People also ask

What is the use of const in C#?

The const (read: constant) keyword in C# is used to define a constant variable, i.e., a variable whose value will not change during the lifetime of the program. Hence it is imperative that you assign a value to a constant variable at the time of its declaration.

What is const in unity?

A const variable is one whose value cannot be changed. A static variable is one that is available from the class itself rather than any object (these are used like global variables for most purposes). A const value has no memory management overhead, since it never needs to be collected.

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String constants, also known as string literals, are a special type of constants which store fixed sequences of characters. A string literal is a sequence of any number of characters surrounded by double quotes: "This is a string."

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2 Answers

However, I don't see the reason why or where we would use null constant.

Null constants are useful as sentinel values.

For example, this:

public class MyClass
    private const Action AlreadyInvoked = null;

    private Action _action;

    public MyClass(Action action) {
        _action = action;

    public void SomeMethod()

        _action = AlreadyInvoked;

    public void SomeOtherMethod()
        if(action == AlreadyInvoked)

Is much more expressive than this:

public class MyClass

    public void SomeMethod()

        _action = null;

    public void SomeOtherMethod()
        if(action == null)

The source code for the Lazy<T> class shows Microsoft used a similar strategy. Although they used a static readonly delegate that can never be invoked as a sentinel value, they could have just used a null constant instead:

static readonly Func<T> ALREADY_INVOKED_SENTINEL = delegate
    Contract.Assert(false, "ALREADY_INVOKED_SENTINEL should never be invoked.");
    return default(T);
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dcastro Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


As you state in the question, there is one reference type that can be put into a const reference - strings. The compiler special-cases this and puts the strings into the compiled output and allows them to be read into the reference type at runtime.

Of course this begs the question - why not have strings be the only reference types that can be const, as long as we're special-casing them anyway? To that, I can only speculate that adding a special case in the compiler is simpler and less problematic than adding a special case in the language. From a language perspective, a string is just a reference type, even if the compiler has special handling to create instances of it from string literals and compiled resources.

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Avner Shahar-Kashtan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Avner Shahar-Kashtan