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Why are try blocks expensive?

I've heard the advice that you should avoid try catch blocks if possible since they're expensive.

My question is specifically about the .NET platform: Why are try blocks expensive?

Summary of Responses:

There are clearly two camps on this issue: those that say that try blocks are expensive, and those that say "maybe a tiny little bit".

Those that say try blocks are expensive normally mention the "high cost" of unwinding the call stack. Personally, I'm not convinced by that argument - specially after reading about how exceptions handlers are stored here.

Jon Skeet sits on the "maybe a tiny little bit" camp, and has written two articles on exceptions and performance which you can find here.

There was one article that I found extremely interesting: it talked about "other" performance implications of try blocks (not necessarily memory or cpu consumption). Peter Ritchie mentions that he found that code inside try blocks is not optimized as it'd otherwise be by the compiler. You can read about his findings here.

Finally, there's a blog entry about the issue from the man that implemented exceptions in the CLR. Go take a look at Chris Brumme's article here.

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Esteban Araya Avatar asked Oct 02 '08 21:10

Esteban Araya

People also ask

Are try catch blocks expensive?

try has almost no expense at all. Instead of doing the work of setting up the try at runtime, the code's metadata is structured at compile time such that when an exception is thrown, it now does a relatively expensive operation of walking up the stack and seeing if any try blocks exist that would catch this exception.

Are try catch blocks expensive C++?

First and foremost, remember that using try and catch doesn't actually decrease performance unless an exception is thrown. It's "zero cost" exception handling – no instruction related to exception handling is executed until one is thrown.

Is exception handling expensive?

Since throwing and handling exceptions is expensive, we shouldn't use it for normal program flows. Instead, as its name implies, exceptions should only be used for exceptional cases. The complete source code can be found over on GitHub.

Is try catch inefficient?

Does try { } catch make program slower? No. There's a performance hit to actually throwing an exception, but if you don't catch it, it'll just propagate up and potentially be unhandled.

2 Answers

It's not the block itself that's expensive, and it's not even catching an exception, per se, that's expensive, it's the runtime unwinding the call stack until it finds a stack frame that can handle the exception. Throwing an exception is pretty light weight, but if the runtime has to walk up six stack frames (i.e. six method calls deep) to find an appropriate exception handler, possibly executing finally blocks as it goes, you may see a noticeable amount of time passed.

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Bob King Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09

Bob King

You shouldn't avoid try/catch blocks as that generally means you aren't properly handling exceptions that might occur. Structured Exception Handling (SEH) is only expensive when an exception actually occurs as the runtime must walk the call stack looking for a catch handler, execute that handler (and there may be more than one), then execute the finally blocks, and then return control back to the code at the right location.

Exceptions are not intended to be used to control program logic, but rather to indicate error conditions.

One of the biggest misconceptions about exceptions is that they are for “exceptional conditions.” The reality is that they are for communicating error conditions. From a framework design perspective, there is no such thing as an “exceptional condition”. Whether a condition is exceptional or not depends on the context of usage, --- but reusable libraries rarely know how they will be used. For example, OutOfMemoryException might be exceptional for a simple data entry application; it’s not so exceptional for applications doing their own memory management (e.g. SQL server). In other words, one man’s exceptional condition is another man’s chronic condition. [http://blogs.msdn.com/kcwalina/archive/2008/07/17/ExceptionalError.aspx]

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Scott Dorman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Scott Dorman