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Why are stateful widgets defined as two classes in flutter?

I'm new to flutter/dart, so while I try to make an app I also try to understand why things are a certain way. In the flutter docs there is example code of a stateful widget as shown:

class YellowBird extends StatefulWidget {   const YellowBird({ Key key }) : super(key: key);    @override   _YellowBirdState createState() => new _YellowBirdState(); }  class _YellowBirdState extends State<YellowBird> {   @override   Widget build(BuildContext context) {     return new Container(color: const Color(0xFFFFE306));   } } 


  1. Why are they defined with two classes as opposed to one? I'm guessing the State class can be used somewhere else so it was better to be split up.

  2. From what I understand the createState() function returns an object of type State, so having _YellowBirdState extends State makes sense, but why is YellowBird passed into the generic class of State? My guess it has something to do with Yellowbird extending the StatefulWidget class but not quite sure.

like image 651
DanT29 Avatar asked May 30 '18 19:05


People also ask

Why there are two classes in stateful widget in Flutter?

There are multiple reasons : Widgets are immutable. Since the Stateful widget extends Widget it, therefore, must be immutable too. Splitting the declaration into two classes allows both the Stateful widget API to be immutable and State to be mutable.

What is the difference between a stateful widget and a stateful widget in Flutter?

A widget is either stateful or stateless. If a widget can change—when a user interacts with it, for example—it's stateful. A stateless widget never changes. Icon , IconButton , and Text are examples of stateless widgets.

What are stateful widgets in Flutter?

Stateful Widgets are dynamic widgets. They can be updated during runtime based on user action or data change. Stateful Widgets have an internal state and can re-render if the input data changes or if Widget's state changes. For Example: Checkbox, Radio Button, Slider are Stateful Widgets.

How does stateful widget work in Flutter?

A stateful widget can change its appearance in response to user interaction or when it receives data e.g. Checkbox, Radio, Slider, TextField, etc. We can, for example, move the Slider thumb and change its value. This change in value changes its appearance. These widgets subclass the StatefulWidget class.

1 Answers

There are multiple reasons :

  • Widgets are immutable. Since StatefulWidget extends Widget it therefore must be immutable too. Splitting the declaration into two classes allows both StatefulWidget to be immutable and State to be mutable.

  • Widgets are instantiated using the syntax new MyWidget(). If we merged both classes into one, new MyWidget() would reset all the properties of the state every time its parent update.

As for the explanation of class _MyStatefulState extends State<MyStateful>

That is because the State class can access to it's Stateful part using the this.widget field. The generic is here to make that field of type MyStateful instead of just StatefulWidget. As you may want to access MyStateful properties.

like image 174
Rémi Rousselet Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Rémi Rousselet