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Why are "smoke tests" called "smoke tests"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What is a smoke testing and what will it do for me?

Why are "smoke tests" called "smoke tests"? I don't get this at all. What does smoke have to do with it?

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user128807 Avatar asked Dec 21 '10 00:12


People also ask

Why is a smoke test called a smoke test?

According to Wikipedia, the term “smoke testing” likely originated in the plumbing industry; plumbers would use real smoke to discover leaks and cracks in pipe systems. Sometime later, the term appeared in electronics testing.

What is difference between smoke test and unit test?

Smoke Tests vs. Both smoke tests and unit tests should be implemented in your build pipeline. Smoke tests should cover high-level end to end functionality, where unit tests should cover single component testing. Both should be present, and one should not replace the other.

What is difference between smoke testing and sanity testing?

Important differences: Smoke vs Sanity testingSmoke Testing is performed to ascertain that the critical functionalities of the program are working fine. Sanity testing is done at random to verify that each functionality is working as expected. Smoke testing exercises the entire system from end to end.

What are the types of smoke testing?

There are three types of Smoke testing namely: - Manual Method, Automation Method and Hybrid Method. The manual method is the most commonly used smoke testing method under which the smoke test cases are tested manually for the fresh build and the newly added features.

3 Answers

See also answer to What is a smoke testing and what will it do for me?:

The term originates in hardware repair and has been applied to software. It's intended to be a quick test to see if the application "catches on fire" when run for the first time. As stated above it's just to make sure you don't waste a bunch of folks time by setting them loose on something that's obviously broken.

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martin clayton Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

martin clayton

It comes from hardware. After you've assembled/soldered/wired everything together, you connect it to mains and turn it on.

  • If you don't see or smell smoke, test is successful. :)
  • If there is smoke, disconnect power immediately! (and figure out the problem before re-test...)
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Macke Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09


Smoke testing originated in the hardware testing practice of turning on a new piece of hardware for the first time and considering it a success if it does not catch fire and smoke.

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Ujwal Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
