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Why are Refresh Tokens considered insecure for an SPA?


I was reading the documentation on the Auth0 site regarding Refresh Tokens and SPA, and they state that SPA's should not use Refresh Tokens as they cannot be securely stored in a browser, and instead use Silent Authentication instead to retrieve new Access Tokens.

A Single Page Application (normally implementing Implicit Grant) should not under any circumstances get a Refresh Token. The reason for that is the sensitivity of this piece of information. You can think of it as user credentials, since a Refresh Token allows a user to remain authenticated essentially forever. Therefore you cannot have this information in a browser, it must be stored securely.

I'm confused. From my understanding, the only way to retrieve a new access token would be to submit a new request to the Auth server, along with some form of an Auth0 session cookie to authenticate the user that is logged in. Upon receiving the session cookie the Auth0 server would then be able to issue a new Access Token.

But how is that any different than having a Refresh Token in the browser or in the local storage? What makes the Session Cookie any more secure than a Refresh Token? Why is using a Refresh Token in an SPA a bad thing?

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Eric B. Avatar asked Mar 15 '18 02:03

Eric B.

People also ask

How safe is refresh token?

The refresh token is used to authenticate the user after the initial access token has expired. This happens behind the scenes without user interaction, facilitating an improved user experience without compromising security. Refresh tokens do not give the user any additional access beyond what was originally allowed.

Why is refresh token important?

The main purpose of using a refresh token is to considerably shorten the life of an access token. The refresh token can then later be used to authenticate the user as and when required by the application without running into problems such as cookies being blocked, etc.

Are refresh tokens secret?

Typically, refresh tokens are only used with confidential clients. However, since it is possible to use the authorization code flow without a client secret, the refresh grant may also be used by clients that don't have a secret.

How do I make my refresh token secure?

Protecting your refresh tokens Concretely, refresh tokens exposed to the browser should be protected with Refresh Token Rotation (RTR). In a nutshell, RTR makes refresh tokens only valid for one-time use. Each time a refresh token is used, the security token service issues a new access token and a new refresh token.

How to keep a refresh token secure in the implicit flow?

Keep in mind that according to the spec, when using the Implicit Flow, the authorization server should not issue refresh tokens. The Implicit flow is often implemented in Single-Page Applications (SPAs), which run on the frontend layer of a system architecture. There's no easy way of keeping a refresh token secure in the frontend layer on its own.

Should spas use the implicit grant to provide access tokens?

The former guidance of using the Implicit Grant to provide access tokens (ATs) to SPAs is fairly straightforward but carries with it several security risks that each require explicit mitigations you must account for.

Are refresh tokens in the browser secure?

However, refresh tokens in the browser require additional security measures, such as refresh token rotation. We discuss the pros and cons of refresh token rotation, along with the potential dangers. In the end, you will find five strategies you can use to secure your tokens in your web frontends better.

Why is using RTS in SPAS considered insecure?

As previously mentioned, using RTs in SPAs was considered insecure because they typically have long lifetimes (hence, their use in retrieving new short-lived ATs) and browser storage is susceptible to token theft.

1 Answers

There are a lot of misunderstandings about both cookies and refresh tokens and OAuth2.

First, it is not true that only confidential clients can use a refresh token. The OAuth2 protocol says that confidential clients must authenticate, but does not require confidential clients. Ergo, client authentication is optional on the refresh operation. See RFC 6749, Section 6, Refreshing An Access Token.

Second, you have to understand what the alternatives are:

  1. Forcing the user to enter his or her username and password every 5 minutes (whenever the access token expires)
  2. Long lived access tokens
  3. Authentication via HTTP Cookies

Everybody in the world, who doesn't use refresh tokens, uses option #3. Authentication via cookies is functionally and security-wise 100% equivalent to storing a refresh token. Of course, with both tokens and cookies, there are options for where they are kept:

a. HTTP only, b. secure (require TLS/SSL) and c. session (in memory) vs. persistent (local, domain storage)

The "HTTP only" option applies only to cookies and, thus, may represent the only advantage of using cookies over tokens. I.e. tokens are handled via Javascript, so there's no option to keep them away from scripts. That said, the tokens are available only to Javascript from the domain of the page that stored it (or as allowed by CORS policy). So this issue can be overblown.

Of course, care must be taken to always use TLS/SSL to transmit either authentication cookies or tokens. Honestly, since we know most breaches occur from within the private corporate network, end-to-end TLS is a basic requirement anymore.

Finally, whether cookies or tokens are ever persisted, i.e. stored somewhere that survives closing the browser or even rebooting the device, depends on the trade-off you're making between usability and security - for your application.

For applications that require a higher level of security, just keep everything in memory (i.e. session cookies, tokens in a Javascript variable). But for apps that don't require as much security and really want a session life on order of days or weeks, then you need to store them. Either way, that storage is accessible only to pages and scripts from the original domain and, thus, cookies and tokens are functionally equivalent.

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Charlie Reitzel Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Charlie Reitzel