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Why are Nodejs breakpoints in VS Code disabled depending on whether the full path appears in the tab title?

A breakpoint in my Mocha test works when set on the exact same line in one VS Code tab but not in another.

The difference: If the full path appears in the tab, then breakpoints work. (Second item in screenshot.)

Two different access paths

But if the filename, without path, appears in the tab header, then breakpoints all become Unverified (gray) during execution.

Repro steps:

  • If you open files from the Explorer view, the bug occurs.
  • If you open files using CTRL-P, as in the screenshot, then both variants are usually available, and choosing the one with/without path gives the different behaviors.

How can I avoid this without continually checking which path variant is appearing?

(Here is a GitHub ticket that I opened.)

like image 663
Joshua Fox Avatar asked Jun 27 '19 09:06

Joshua Fox

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Breakpoints may still not trigger on initial load. When you start the debugger which launches Chrome, there is a lag before vscode can attach to Chrome. Any code with breakpoints executed before vscode could attach, will not trigger the breakpoint. To solve this, either restart the debugger after it has initially loaded (keep Chrome open).

1 Answers

Answer (figured out on the GitHub thread):

My workspace path was under a symbolic link (Ubuntu).

VS Code apparently dereferences symbolic links to give Node a path that it can work with, to support breakpoints.

VS Code also shows the file at the correctly referenced path in my workspace folder as I defined it (under the symbolic link).

like image 55
Joshua Fox Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Joshua Fox