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Why are nested functions not supported by the C standard?


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Why C does not have nested functions?

Nested function is not supported by C because we cannot define a function within another function in C. We can declare a function inside a function, but it's not a nested function.

Why are nested subprograms bad?

One disadvantage of declaring a nested function is the fact that it will be created inside function's environment every time you call the parent function. In theory, this could decrease performance if the parent function is called frequently. But, nested functions are very much used in Javascript.

What is meant by nesting of function in C?

A nested function is a function defined inside the definition of another function. It can be defined wherever a variable declaration is permitted, which allows nested functions within nested functions. Within the containing function, the nested function can be declared prior to being defined by using the auto keyword.

It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to implement in assembly.

gcc also has a flag (-fnested-functions) to enable their use.