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Why are my Eclipse project builds so slow?



We use Eclipse (Indigo, with STS). Certain of our projects take inordinately long to build. Often the progress indicator sticks on, say, 87%, for 30 seconds.

I'm trying to find out what Eclipse is spending it's time on during the build cycle. I hope to be able to optimize the build or disable components that are causing it to be so slow. I'd like to see a log file saying ("compiling java code", "processing resources", etc).

I've poked around the log files in the .metadata directory. I've looked on the Eclipse site for tips. I've tried using "-debug" when starting Eclipse. I still can't find the information I'm looking for.

Is there any way to get Eclipse to spit out a log of what activities it is spending its time on when it builds a project?

like image 910
Ken DeLong Avatar asked Jun 05 '12 17:06

Ken DeLong

People also ask

Why does Eclipse take so long to build?

In development, when you find the eclipse workspace build process is slower and slower, and if the main reason is because of validating static files ( for example validate JS, CSS, XML file, and so on). Then you need to reduce or remove the validators in the eclipse preference validation section.

How do I fix eclipse building Workspace too slow?

Restart eclipse (sometimes I need to kill eclipse) Disable automatic build immediatly (project > uncheck Build automatically) Right click the project(s) I want to have rebuild. Close unrelated projects.

Why is Eclipse running so slow?

Because Eclipse uses tons of java files, an anti-virus attempts to individually unpack and scan every one of them. So for Windows platform: turn off the on-demand scanning of packed files, otherwise Eclipse will be unusably slow.

1 Answers

What kind of projects are these? Java? Dynamic Web? Two things to look at for hints about what's going on are in the project Properties dialog; look at the Builders section and the Validation section. Try disabling the validations to see if that makes a difference in your build times.

To get some insight into what's happening at the times when the build seems to hang, try setting the -debug and -consoleLog options, as described here.

like image 163
E-Riz Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09
