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Why are localized functions faster in Lua?

TEST 1: Localize


local min = math.min


Non-local: 0.719 (158%)
Localized: 0.453 (100%)


Yes, we should localize all standard lua and Spring API functions.

Source: https://springrts.com/wiki/Lua_Performance


What is the reason for that performance boost?

like image 900
816-8055 Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 14:03


1 Answers

local min = math.min

Remember that table.name is just syntax sugar for table["name"] (they're exactly equivalent). And globals are just keys in the environment table, so math.min is _ENV["math"]["min"]. That's two hashtable lookups to get at the actual function value.

Copying the value into a local puts it in a VM register so there's no lookup.

like image 117
Mud Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 07:04
