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Why are bootstrap default buttons in bootstrap 3 dark grey for me?

I am working with Bootstrap 3 RC and the default buttons are dark grey with black text instead of light grey with black text. I have tried both CDN link and offline. I have also emptied my browser cache just in case. Have anyone else experienced this? What could be causing this? Thanks.

edit: I should say that everything else shows just as it should. Even the other kinds of buttons. It's just the btn btn-default that is not showing properly.

like image 689
Loolooii Avatar asked Aug 11 '13 23:08


1 Answers

This is the answer from Bootstrap's Github repository:

The CDN has 3.0.0 RC1; the hosted docs are for git HEAD of the 3.0.0-wip branch, where the default button color has changed.

like image 183
Loolooii Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 21:01
