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Why are 2 Long variables not equal with == operator in Java?

I got a very strange problem when I'm trying to compare 2 Long variables, they always show false and I can be sure they have the same number value by debugging in Eclipse:

if (user.getId() == admin.getId()) {     return true; // Always enter here } else {     return false; } 

Both of above 2 return values are object-type Long, which confused me. And to verify that I wrote a main method like this:

Long id1 = 123L; Long id2 = 123L;  System.out.println(id1 == id2); 

It prints true.

So can somebody give me ideas?. I've been working in Java Development for 3 years but cannot explain this case.

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Brady Zhu Avatar asked Oct 21 '13 03:10

Brady Zhu

People also ask

Does == work for long in Java?

== compares references, . equals() compares values. These two Longs are objects, therefore object references are compared when using == operator. However, note that in Long id1 = 123L; literal value 123L will be auto-boxed into a Long object using Long.

Can we compare long with ==?

Long is a wrapper class for the primitive type long. Since they are objects and not primitive values, we need to compare the content of Long instances using . equals() instead of the reference comparison operator (==). In some cases, we may get the idea that == is okay, but looks are deceiving.

What does the == operator do in Java?

== operator is a type of Relational Operator in Java used to check for relations of equality. It returns a boolean result after the comparison and is extensively used in looping statements and conditional if-else statements.

1 Answers

== compares references, .equals() compares values. These two Longs are objects, therefore object references are compared when using == operator.

However, note that in Long id1 = 123L; literal value 123L will be auto-boxed into a Long object using Long.valueOf(String), and internally, this process will use a LongCache which has a [-128,127] range, and 123 is in this range, which means, that the long object is cached, and these two are actually the same objects.

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BlackJoker Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09
