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Why am I getting Backend Internal error: "Exception during IR lowering error" when using Jetpack Compose clickable-Modifier?

I am creating a custom Checkbox within a Surface which has a Modifier.clickable:

        modifier = Modifier
                enabled = enabled,
                interactionSource = interactionSource,
                indication = rememberRipple(),
                role = Role.Checkbox,
                onClick = { onCheckedChange(!checked) }
    ) {
        Row {
            Checkbox(checked = checked, onCheckedChange = {}, colors = colors)
            Text(text = text ?: "")

When I try to build that, I get the Exception during IR lowering error error:

org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.BackendException: Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering
File being compiled: /home/rene/AndroidStudioProjects/pass13/app/src/main/java/com/aresid/simplepasswordgeneratorapp/ui/widgets/Checkbox.kt

See the full stacktrace here.

Removing the Modifier.clickable solves the build issue.

I already tried up-/downgrading some versions but nothing is working properly.
Currently, I am using those versions:

    ext.versions = [
            'compileSdk': 31,
            'targetSdk' : 30,
            'minSdk'    : 26,
            'kotlin'    : '1.5.30',
            'navigation': '2.3.5',
            'compose'   : '1.0.2'

Has anybody an idea how to fix that?

like image 943
René Jörg Spies Avatar asked Sep 18 '21 11:09

René Jörg Spies

2 Answers

In my case, I forgot to add in the build.gradle

android {

    buildFeatures {
       compose true
    composeOptions {
       kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion '1.0.3'
       kotlinCompilerVersion '1.5.30'
like image 189
Cabezas Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 21:10


So I got in touch with the JetBrains team via their issue tracker as @PhilipDukhov suggested and they solved my problem: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-48815.

I was using kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion = versions.composeVersion in my app's build.gradle file and this is incorrect. versions.composeVersion is something provided by Gradle but it seems to be deprecated. Oneself should manually write the version which they're using there.

like image 12
René Jörg Spies Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 22:10

René Jörg Spies