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Why am I being told that an array is a pointer? What is the relationship between arrays and pointers in C++?

My background is C++ and I'm currently about to start developing in C# so am doing some research. However, in the process I came across something that raised a question about C++.

This C# for C++ developers guide says that

In C++ an array is merely a pointer.

But this StackOverflow question has a highly-upvoted comment that says

Arrays are not pointers. Stop telling people that.

The cplusplus.com page on pointers says that arrays and pointers are related (and mentions implicit conversion, so they're obviously not the same).

The concept of arrays is related to that of pointers. In fact, arrays work very much like pointers to their first elements, and, actually, an array can always be implicitly converted to the pointer of the proper type.

I'm getting the impression that the Microsoft page wanted to simplify things in order to summarise the differences between C++ and C#, and in the process wrote something that was simpler but not 100% accurate.

But what have arrays got to do with pointers in the first place? Why is the relationship close enough for them to be summarised as the "same" even if they're not?

The cplusplus.com page says that arrays "work like" pointers to their first element. What does that mean, if they're not actually pointers to their first element?

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starsplusplus Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 03:03


1 Answers

There is a lot of bad writing out there. For example the statement:

In C++ an array is merely a pointer.

is simply false. How can such bad writing come about? We can only speculate, but one possible theory is that the author learned C++ by trial and error using a compiler, and formed a faulty mental model of C++ based on the results of his experiments. This is possibly because the syntax used by C++ for arrays is unconventional.

The next question is, how can a learner know if he/she is reading good material or bad material? Other than by reading my posts of course ;-) , participating in communities like Stack Overflow helps to bring you into contact with a lot of different presentations and descriptions, and then after a while you have enough information and experience to make your own decisions about which writing is good and which is bad.

Moving back to the array/pointer topic: my advice would be to first build up a correct mental model of how object storage works when we are working in C++. It's probably too much to write about just for this post, but here is how I would build up to it from scratch:

  • C and C++ are designed in terms of an abstract memory model, however in most cases this translates directly to the memory model provided by your system's OS or an even lower layer
  • The memory is divided up into basic units called bytes (usually 8 bits)
  • Memory can be allocated as storage for an object; e.g. when you write int x; it is decided that a particular block of adjacent bytes is set aside to store an integer value. An object is any region of allocated storage. (Yes this is a slightly circular definition!)
  • Each byte of allocated storage has an address which is a token (usually representible as a simple number) that can be used to find that byte in memory. The addresses of any bytes within an object must be sequential.
  • The name x only exists during the compilation stage of a program. At runtime there can be int objects allocated that never had a name; and there can be other int objects with one or more names during compilation.
  • All of this applies to objects of any other type, not just int
  • An array is an object which consists of many adjacent sub-objects of the same type
  • A pointer is an object which serves as a token identifying where another object can be found.

From hereon in, C++ syntax comes into it. C++'s type system uses strong typing which means that each object has a type. The type system extends to pointers. In almost all situations, the storage used to store a pointer only saves the address of the first byte of the object being pointed to; and the type system is used at compilation time to keep track of what is being pointed to. This is why we have different types of pointer (e.g. int *, float *) despite the fact that the storage may consist of the same sort of address in both cases.

Finally: the so-called "array-pointer equivalence" is not an equivalence of storage, if you understood my last two bullet points. It's an equivalence of syntax for looking up members of an array.

Since we know that a pointer can be used to find another object; and an array is a series of many adjacent objects; then we can work with the array by working with a pointer to that array's first element. The equivalence is that the same processing can be used for both of the following:

  • Find Nth element of an array
  • Find Nth object in memory after the one we're looking at

and furthermore, those concepts can be both expressed using the same syntax.

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M.M Avatar answered Apr 23 '23 16:04