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Why a single Numpy array element is not a Python scalar?




Can someone explain the Numpy design decision to keep single elements of arrays as distinct from Python scalars?

The following code works without errors

import numpy as np
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = a[0]

This illustrates that b is not a simple Python scalar, and in fact type(b) gives numpy.int32 instead of int.

Of course, if one defines b = 1, the command b.size throws an error because

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'size'

I find this difference of behaviour confusing and I am wondering what is its motivation.

like image 931
divenex Avatar asked Dec 14 '15 16:12


1 Answers

There is a difference between elements of an array and the object you get when indexing one.

The array has a data buffer. It is a block of bytes the numpy manages with its own compiled code. Individual elements may be represented by 1 byte, 4, 8, 16, etc.

In [478]: A=np.array([1,2,3])

In [479]: A.__array_interface__
{'data': (167487856, False),
 'descr': [('', '<i4')],
 'shape': (3,),
 'strides': None,
 'typestr': '<i4',
 'version': 3}

view the data as a list of bytes (displayed as characters):

In [480]: A.view('S1')
array(['\x01', '', '', '', '\x02', '', '', '', '\x03', '', '', ''], 

When you select an element of A you get back a one element array (or something like it):

In [491]: b=A[0]

In [492]: b.shape
Out[492]: ()

In [493]: b.__array_interface__
{'__ref': array(1),
 'data': (167480104, False),
 'descr': [('', '<i4')],
 'shape': (),
 'strides': None,
 'typestr': '<i4',
 'version': 3}

The type is different, but b has most of the same attributes as A, shape, strides, mean, etc.

You have to use .item to access the underlying 'scalar':

In [496]: b.item()
Out[496]: 1

In [497]: type(b.item())
Out[497]: int

So you can think of b as a scalar with a numpy wrapper. The __array_interface__ for b looks very much like that of np.array(1).

like image 68
hpaulj Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09
