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while loop in Amazon redshift

I am using sql server and we do have a while loop there which I have created in a Stored procedure.. I am evaluating redshift and looking for a equivalent in redshift amazon. Below is what I am trying to do, how do I do this in amazon redshift:

        @MaxId SmallInt,
        @CurrId SmallInt

Set @CurrId = 0

Set @MaxId = 10

While @CurrId <= @MaxId

    Select @CurrId

    set @CurrId = @CurrId + 1

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user3370658 Avatar asked Mar 02 '14 12:03


2 Answers

Tested this in Redshift:

create or replace procedure just_a_loop()
language plpgsql
as $$
    CurrId INTEGER := 0;
    MaxId INTEGER := 10;
    while CurrId <= MaxId
        raise info 'CurrId = %', CurrId;
        CurrId = CurrId + 1;
    end LOOP;
    raise info 'Loop Statement Executed -_-||^';

call just_a_loop();

INFO:  CurrId = 0
INFO:  CurrId = 1
INFO:  CurrId = 2
INFO:  CurrId = 3
INFO:  CurrId = 4
INFO:  CurrId = 5
INFO:  CurrId = 6
INFO:  CurrId = 7
INFO:  CurrId = 8
INFO:  CurrId = 9
INFO:  CurrId = 10
INFO:  Loop Statement Executed -_-||^
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Wen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


Amazon Redshift now supports SQL stored procedures to make migration to Amazon Redshift easier. Stored procedures are used to encapsulate logic for data transformation, data validation, and business-specific logic. By combining multiple SQL steps into a stored procedure, you can reduce round trips between your applications and the database.

Amazon Redshift supports stored procedures in PL/pgSQL dialect and can include variable declaration, control logic, loops, allow raising errors, support security definer, and other features. You can create stored procedures to perform functions without giving a user access to the underlying tables with security definer controls. You can find more information about creating and running stored procedures in the Amazon Redshift database developer guide.AWS

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karel Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09
