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Which tolower in C++?


Given string foo, I've written answers on how to use cctype's tolower to convert the characters to lowercase

transform(cbegin(foo), cend(foo), begin(foo), static_cast<int (*)(int)>(tolower))

But I've begun to consider locale's tolower, which could be used like this:

use_facet<ctype<char>>(cout.getloc()).tolower(data(foo), next(data(foo), foo.size()));
  • Is there a reason to prefer one of these over the other?
  • Does their functionality differ at all?
  • I mean other than the fact that tolower accepts and returns an int which I assume is just some antiquated C stuff?
like image 427
Jonathan Mee Avatar asked May 27 '16 11:05

Jonathan Mee

People also ask

What C library is tolower?

Description. The C library function int tolower(int c) converts a given letter to lowercase.

Can you use tolower on a string in C?

To convert a given string to lowercase in C language, iterate over characters of the string and convert each character to lowercase using tolower() function.

Where is tolower defined?

The tolower() function is defined in the ctype. h header file.

Does tolower work for char?

ToLower(Char)Converts the value of a Unicode character to its lowercase equivalent.

2 Answers

Unfortunately,both are equally bad. Although std::string pretends to be a utf-8 encoded string, non of the methods/function (including tolower), are really utf-8 aware. So, tolower / tolower + locale may work with characters which are single byte (= ASCII), they will fail for every other set of languages.

On Linux, I'd use ICU library. On Windows, I'd use CharUpper function.

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user3104201 Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 15:10


In the first case (cctype) the locale is set implicitely:

Converts the given character to lowercase according to the character conversion rules defined by the currently installed C locale.


In the second (locale's) case you have to explicitely set the locale:

Converts parameter c to its lowercase equivalent if c is an uppercase letter and has a lowercase equivalent, as determined by the ctype facet of locale loc. If no such conversion is possible, the value returned is c unchanged.


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Willi Mentzel Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10

Willi Mentzel