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Which S3 manager creates '_$folder$' files for pseudo-folders?

I know that S3 has no folders, and I'm working with an inherited application that has some buckets filled with folder_name_$folder$ items. I know that a lot of different tools use these files, or other folder sigils, depending on the tool, to help represent 'folders' to various visual interfaces. I'm wondering which one uses this particular convention.

I'd like to remove them so that my various rake tasks that run down lists of files can go faster, but I'm afraid I'll end up breaking some tool that someone else in the company uses. Can anyone say which tools create these keys, and what functionality, if any, removing them would break? S3fox? The main AWS console?

like image 765
bhuga Avatar asked Nov 16 '11 22:11


1 Answers

the _$folder$ folders are created with S3Fox, AWS Console doesn't create them. you can safely delete them if you like

Thanks Andy

like image 61
cloudberryman Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
