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Which rxjava3 retrofit-adapter should we use for Rxjava3

I am using RxJava3 and retrofit but I am unable to get a rxjava3 retrofit-adapter for RxJava3.

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Chetan Gaikwad Avatar asked Mar 09 '20 19:03

Chetan Gaikwad

People also ask

What are retrofit call adapter used for?

Retrofit uses an HTTP client (OkHttp) to execute the network requests. This execution happens on a background thread. When OkHttp client receives a response from the server, it passes the response back to Retrofit.

What is RxJava2CallAdapterFactory?

Class RxJava2CallAdapterFactoryA call adapter which uses RxJava 2 for creating observables. Adding this class to Retrofit allows you to return an Observable , Flowable , Single , Completable or Maybe from service methods.

1 Answers

There is now an official Retrofit implementation with version 2.9.0:

Just use the adapter where you create your Retrofit client:

val rxAdapter = RxJava3CallAdapterFactory.create() retrofit = Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(baseUrl)             .addConverterFactory(MoshiConverterFactory.create(moshi))             .client(httpClient)             .addCallAdapterFactory(rxAdapter).build() 

And include the RxAdapter dependency in your build.gradle:

implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava3:2.9.0' 


Also from the documentation:

Unlike the RxJava 1 and RxJava 2 adapters, the RxJava 3 adapter's create() method will produce asynchronous HTTP requests by default. For synchronous requests use createSynchronous() and for synchronous on a scheduler use createWithScheduler(..)

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devz Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
