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Which programming languages support states on the language-level?

UnrealScript has always impressed me, somewhat, with it its intrinsic support for states (and latent functions) by grouping/overloading functions and fields into blocks like:

state() SomeState
    function void Foo()

Which is quite a bit cleaner than using loads of switch-statements inside every function (it's almost some sort of design by contract).

Are there any other more general-purpose programming languages that intrinsically support state declarations similar to this (ignoring visual programming languages or tools like Workflow Foundation)?


Some of the beauty of states in UnrealScript is that you can override stateful functions in subclasses, and even define new, named states. I think this is troublesome to do with enum-switches (where enums cannot be extended), delegates, or co-classes implementing different states, especially in languages like C# or Java that only support single-inheritance.

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Cecil Has a Name Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 15:12

Cecil Has a Name

2 Answers

Any object oriented programming language enables you to create state-machines easily. But you might want to take a look at QT and it's http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2009/01/30/qt-state-machine-framework/. I haven't tried it though.

I prefere languages that enable me to create a variety of supporting structures of my choice to languages that offer me special functionality for all different kinds of special situations. C++ as shown in QT is a good example for that.

like image 192
Tobias Langner Avatar answered May 13 '23 03:05

Tobias Langner

None that I know of, but language that support easy writing of domain-specific languages through metaprogramming (e.g., Ruby), can essentially pretend to. From the acts_as_state_machine plugin for Rails:

class Nonprofit < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_state_machine :initial => :created, :column => 'status'

  # These are all of the states for the existing system.
  state :submitted
  state :processing
  state :nonprofit_reviewing
  state :accepted

  event :accept do
    transitions :from => :processing,          :to => :accepted
    transitions :from => :nonprofit_reviewing, :to => :accepted

  event :receive do
    transitions :from => :submitted, :to => :processing

  # either a CTP  or nonprofit user edits the entry, requiring a review
  event :send_for_review do
    transitions :from => :processing,          :to => :nonprofit_reviewing
    transitions :from => :nonprofit_reviewing, :to => :processing
    transitions :from => :accepted,            :to => :nonprofit_reviewing

(you can also include any arbitrary code in the event blocks, not just state transitions)

like image 35
Stephen Touset Avatar answered May 13 '23 01:05

Stephen Touset