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Which PID listens on a given mach port




My application receives mach IPC messages and return answers for the callers. I have mach caller port(msgh_remote_port) and I want to know PID of the caller. Can I find on OSX by the mach port a PID which listen for specific mach port?

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user1119324 Avatar asked Feb 19 '12 08:02


People also ask

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on OS X you can use the -v option for netstat to give the associated pid.

How do I find the PID of a port?

Using Netstat command: Open a CMD prompt. Type in the command: netstat -ano -p tcp. You'll get an output similar to this one. Look-out for the TCP port in the Local Address list and note the corresponding PID number.

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You can find out what is running on a specific port by running the command lsof -i with the port number, :<PortNumber> .

1 Answers

The mach port is not directly associated with a process, but instead with a task. The task is then associated with the bsd process structure. To query the ports of a task you can use the mach_port_names function. To get all the open mach ports iterate over all the tasks and use the above mentioned function.

A different approach is to use the procfs filesystem. The procfs filesystem is implemented on top of the fuse filesystem and needs to be manually installed on a system. It is a open source solution. Once the procfs filesystem is installed you can query the ports of a task by accessing the file /proc/proc-id/task/ports. Have a look at Link.

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steve Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 01:09
