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Which library could be used to make a Chord diagram in R? [closed]

Is there any package in cran which could plot a chord layout like this: (this visualization is also called chord diagram)

Chrod Diagramm

like image 813
FUD Avatar asked Jan 30 '13 08:01


People also ask

How do you make a chord diagram?

How to make a chord diagram, step by step. Select the chord diagram template. Upload a CSV or Excel file, or just type in your values to the existing data sheet manually. Set the three required columns for “from” and “to” (e.g. people or countries) and “value” (a number describing the size of the flow).

2 Answers

I wrote the following several years ago, but never really used it: feel free to adapt it to your needs, or even turn it into a full-fledged package.

# Return a line in the Poincare disk, i.e., # a circle arc, perpendicular to the unit circle, through two given points. poincare_segment <- function(u1, u2, v1, v2) {     # Check that the points are sufficiently different     if( abs(u1-v1) < 1e-6 && abs(u2-v2) < 1e-6 )         return( list(x=c(u1,v1), y=c(u2,v2)) )     # Check that we are in the circle     stopifnot( u1^2 + u2^2 - 1 <= 1e-6 )     stopifnot( v1^2 + v2^2 - 1 <= 1e-6 )     # Check it is not a diameter     if( abs( u1*v2 - u2*v1 ) < 1e-6 )         return( list(x=c(u1,v1), y=c(u2,v2)) )     # Equation of the line: x^2 + y^2 + ax + by + 1 = 0 (circles orthogonal to the unit circle)     a <- ( u2 * (v1^2+v2^2) - v2 * (u1^2+u2^2) + u2 - v2 ) / ( u1*v2 - u2*v1 )     b <- ( u1 * (v1^2+v2^2) - v1 * (u1^2+u2^2) + u1 - v1 ) / ( u2*v1 - u1*v2 ) # Swap 1's and 2's     # Center and radius of the circle     cx <- -a/2     cy <- -b/2     radius <- sqrt( (a^2+b^2)/4 - 1 )     # Which portion of the circle should we draw?     theta1 <- atan2( u2-cy, u1-cx )     theta2 <- atan2( v2-cy, v1-cx )     if( theta2 - theta1 > pi )         theta2 <- theta2 - 2 * pi     else if( theta2 - theta1 < - pi )         theta2 <- theta2 + 2 * pi     theta <- seq( theta1, theta2, length=100 )     x <- cx + radius * cos( theta )     y <- cy + radius * sin( theta )     list( x=x, y=y ) }  # Sample data n <- 10 m <- 7 segment_weight <- abs(rnorm(n)) segment_weight <- segment_weight / sum(segment_weight) d <- matrix(abs(rnorm(n*n)),nr=n, nc=n) diag(d) <- 0 # No loops allowed # The weighted graph comes from two quantitative variables d[1:m,1:m] <- 0 d[(m+1):n,(m+1):n] <- 0 ribbon_weight <- t(d) / apply(d,2,sum) # The sum of each row is 1; use as ribbon_weight[from,to] ribbon_order <- t(apply(d,2,function(...)sample(1:n))) # Each row contains sample(1:n); use as ribbon_order[from,i] segment_colour <- rainbow(n) segment_colour <- brewer.pal(n,"Set3") transparent_segment_colour <- rgb(t(col2rgb(segment_colour)/255),alpha=.5) ribbon_colour <- matrix(rainbow(n*n), nr=n, nc=n) # Not used, actually... ribbon_colour[1:m,(m+1):n] <- transparent_segment_colour[1:m] ribbon_colour[(m+1):n,1:m] <- t(ribbon_colour[1:m,(m+1):n])  # Plot gap <- .01 x <- c( segment_weight[1:m], gap, segment_weight[(m+1):n], gap ) x <- x / sum(x) x <- cumsum(x) segment_start <- c(0,x[1:m-1],x[(m+1):n]) segment_end   <- c(x[1:m],x[(m+2):(n+1)]) start1 <- start2 <- end1 <- end2 <- ifelse(is.na(ribbon_weight),NA,NA) x <- 0 for (from in 1:n) {   x <- segment_start[from]   for (i in 1:n) {     to <- ribbon_order[from,i]     y <- x + ribbon_weight[from,to] * ( segment_end[from] - segment_start[from] )     if( from < to ) {       start1[from,to] <- x       start2[from,to] <- y     } else if( from > to ) {       end1[to,from] <- x       end2[to,from] <- y     } else {       # no loops allowed     }     x <- y   } }  par(mar=c(1,1,2,1)) plot(   0,0,    xlim=c(-1,1),ylim=c(-1,1), type="n", axes=FALSE,    main="Two qualitative variables in polar coordinates", xlab="", ylab="") for(from in 1:n) {   for(to in 1:n) {     if(from<to) {       u <- start1[from,to]       v <- start2[from,to]       x <- end1  [from,to]       y <- end2  [from,to]       if(!is.na(u*v*x*y)) {             r1 <- poincare_segment( cos(2*pi*v), sin(2*pi*v), cos(2*pi*x), sin(2*pi*x) )             r2 <- poincare_segment( cos(2*pi*y), sin(2*pi*y), cos(2*pi*u), sin(2*pi*u) )             th1 <- 2*pi*seq(u,v,length=20)             th2 <- 2*pi*seq(x,y,length=20)             polygon(                 c( cos(th1), r1$x, rev(cos(th2)), r2$x ),                 c( sin(th1), r1$y, rev(sin(th2)), r2$y ),                 col=transparent_segment_colour[from], border=NA             )       }     }   } } for(i in 1:n) {   theta <- 2*pi*seq(segment_start[i], segment_end[i], length=100)   r1 <- 1   r2 <- 1.05   polygon(      c( r1*cos(theta), rev(r2*cos(theta)) ),     c( r1*sin(theta), rev(r2*sin(theta)) ),     col=segment_colour[i], border="black"   ) } 

Two quantitative variables in polar coordinates

like image 183
Vincent Zoonekynd Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Vincent Zoonekynd

The chorddiag package (still in development) provides an interactive D3 implementation

The chorddiag package allows to create interactive chord diagrams using the JavaScript visualization library D3 (http://d3js.org) from within R using the htmlwidgets interfacing framework..


devtools::install_github("mattflor/chorddiag") library(chorddiag)  ## example taken from the github site m <- matrix(c(11975,  5871, 8916, 2868,               1951, 10048, 2060, 6171,               8010, 16145, 8090, 8045,               1013,   990,  940, 6907),             byrow = TRUE,             nrow = 4, ncol = 4) haircolors <- c("black", "blonde", "brown", "red") dimnames(m) <- list(have = haircolors,                     prefer = haircolors) m #             prefer #   have     black blonde brown  red #     black  11975   5871  8916 2868 #     blonde  1951  10048  2060 6171 #     brown   8010  16145  8090 8045 #     red     1013    990   940 6907  groupColors <- c("#000000", "#FFDD89", "#957244", "#F26223") chorddiag(m, groupColors = groupColors, groupnamePadding = 40) 


like image 43
SymbolixAU Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10
