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Which language uses .pde extension?

While searching for an implementation of the Barnsley's Fern fractal I came across a implementation that has .pde extension. Which programming language uses this extension?

Implementation Page

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Hamza Yerlikaya Avatar asked Jul 14 '09 18:07

Hamza Yerlikaya

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How do I make a PDE file?

So to create a . pde file, you just have to print some Processing code to a text file and give it a name that ends with . pde . If you have file associations set up (which happens automatically when you install Processing), then the Processing editor will open .

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Processing Development Environment (PDE) The Processing Development Environment (PDE) consists of a simple text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, tabs for managing files, a toolbar with buttons for common actions, and a series of menus. The menus options change from mode to mode.

2 Answers

This code is from Processing.org an open source Java based IDE. You can find it Processing.org. The Arduino IDE also uses this extension, although they run on a hardware board.

EDIT - And yes it is C syntax, used mostly for art or live media presentations.

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kersny Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10


The .pde file extension is the one used by the Processing, Wiring, and the Arduino IDE.

Processing is not C-based but rather Java-based and with a syntax derived from Java. It is a Java framework that can be used as a Java library. It includes a default IDE that uses .pde extension. Just wanted to rectify @kersny's answer.

Wiring is a microcontroller that uses the same IDE. Arduino uses a modified version, but also with .pde. The OpenProcessing page where you found it is a website to exhibit some Processing work.

If you know Java, it should be fairly easy to convert the Processing code to Java AWT.

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Biovisualize Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10
