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Which Java is Eclipse using?




I downloaded 'Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers' for Linux from eclipse.org. I am able to write, compile and run Java programs. But I don't understand what JDK / JRE is being used.

If I start a new 'Java Project' I can choose which JRE to use, but if I choose for instance 'JavaSE-1.6' I still don't know what that is? Oracle? IBM? And I don't know where that JRE is in my file system.

Let's say I want to use that same JRE to execute my Java program from command line, how do I find the 'java' executable?

like image 610
Lucy Brennan Avatar asked Sep 16 '12 10:09

Lucy Brennan

1 Answers

While you are in Eclipse:

  • Open Help -> About Eclipse
  • click on Installation Details
  • select the Tab Configuration

search for the entry


there should be the path to the used JRE.

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IndianerJones Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
