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Which is the proper way of using @synchronized?

@property (atomic, retain) NSArray *array;

I don't override a setter and a getter of the array. I could use @synchronized(array){} or @synchronized(self.array){}. As I knows all cases are correct, am I right?

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Voloda2 Avatar asked May 08 '12 16:05


2 Answers

Using @syncrhonized(obj) just forms a lock so that other code synchronizing on obj won't execute at the same time.

Atomic properties work by not allowing changes to be made while a property is being accessed; they provide implicit locking for access.

array = someObject.array; //locked
[array doSomething];      //no longer locked

You can't override getters and setters for atomic properties, but using the @sycnronized directive around the getter/setter should be sufficient.

@synthesize array=_array;


        _array = array;

-(NSArray *)array
    NSArray *retVal;

        retVal = _array;

    return retVal;

Honestly, unless you're doing some seriously multithreaded programming, atomic properties are unnecessary and just cause performance hits.

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Ash Furrow Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Ash Furrow

As you've phrased the question, both statements are equivalent as a matter of concurrency safety strategy.

Depending on the scale and how far you have completed work on your project, you may wish to consider an alternative strategy for thread-safety altogether.

Recently, Apple has made a point of recommending thread-safety-by-serialization rather than traditional blocking. In short, as contention increases, serialized access is far more efficient than blocking with @synchronize.

Rather than synchronize, consider setting up a GCD serial queue and queuing up access to resources shared across threads.

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isaac Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11
