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Which is the best IDE to use with the Yii Framework [closed]




I have been using the Zend Studio for quite somewhile for my Zend projects and am looking for an IDE that would work well with Yii Framework.

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davykiash Avatar asked Jan 28 '11 09:01


2 Answers

Yii is just PHP. So any IDE for PHP will work fine.

I use Eclipse. If you include the framework correctly you get all of the hints and code completion benefits. I like step-through debugging and breakpoints with Xdebug, which is why I use an IDE instead of Emacs/Vim/Notepad++, but they would work just fine too.

I don't know how integrated Zend Studio is with the Zend Framework, but it should work just fine for Yii development. Don't make life harder for yourself by learning a new environment. Save time and jump in with Zend. Again: any PHP 5 IDE will work just fine for Yii, the best one is the one you are most familiar with! ;)

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thaddeusmt Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


I recommend NetBeans as it gives you autocompletion of variables as well as PHPDOC comments, and a whole lot of other goodies. :)


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Tash Pemhiwa Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Tash Pemhiwa