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Which is more efficient - $('selector').last() or $('selector:last')?

I have a parent element with a real lot of child elements (1000s). I am looking for the fastest possible way to get a handle to the last child element. The options I've found are:

$('.parent .child').last()


$('.parent .child:last')

Any opinions on which one is reliably faster across browsers?


I wrote a test in jsfiddle to measure this out and it turns out the difference is pretty much negligible. Though .last() was performing better, the difference is negligible. So i think even with the :last selector, it is actually getting the whole list of elements and then returning the last element? Unbelievable.

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/techfoobar/GFb9f/8/

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techfoobar Avatar asked Aug 31 '12 05:08


2 Answers

Many modern browsers support document.querySelectorAll(), so $('.parent .child').last() should be faster, as the selector string can be passed as is, and then the last matched item popped off.

In the latter, the :last is not a standard pseudo selector, and Sizzle has to start chunking the selector string to start matching.

Overall though, I would use what you believe is the most readable. To begin optimising this, first ensure that your application has performance issues and you have identified this selector as the bottleneck.

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alex Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10


You have to see this performance test!

UPDATE: There are already good answers on this related question.

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Robin Maben Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Robin Maben