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Which is better - using String or File as parameter type for methods that take filenames [closed]




I have a couple of methods which take filenames as parameters. My doubt is that what is better way to declare the parameters of these methods.

  • Should the parameter be of type String

    void normalizeData(String inFile)
  • Or should I explicitly declare the parameter as File.

    void normalizeData(File inFile)

Personally I find File more intuitive but want to know about what is the best practice for such things.

like image 358
MoveFast Avatar asked Jun 17 '13 07:06


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1 Answers

I would pass an java.io.InputStream - this makes the code easier to test and doesn't bind it to the file system.

This way your code ends up like:

public void normalizeData(InputStream in)

And calling it:

myObject.normalizeData(new FileInputStream(myFile));


myObject.normalizeData(new FileInputStream("c:/myfile.txt"));

Or in a test

myObject.normalizeData(new ByteArrayInputStream("some test data".getBytes()));
like image 169
Nick Holt Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 01:10

Nick Holt