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Which is better to put the Coroutine call in the Repository or the ViewModel?

Just wondering others opinion I have 2 ways I can go about doing something and was curious which is better (and hopefully why you think so)

I have 2 files WordRepository and WordViewModel. I can either do the coroutines in the Repo or in the ViewModel both ways work, but hoping someone can give me a clue as to why I would do the coroutines in one or the other and vice versa.

Version A.(Where the coroutine is in the Repo)


class WordRepository(private val wordDao: WordDao): WordRepo {

    override suspend fun deleteAllLogsOlderThan(XDays: Int): Int = withContext(IO) {
        return@withContext wordDao.deleteAll()



class WordViewModel(private val wordRepository: WordRepo) : ViewModel() {

    fun deleteAllLogsOlderThanA(XDays:Int): Int = runBlocking {


Version B.(Where the coroutine is in the ViewModel)

Word Repo:
class WordRepository(private val wordDao: WordDao): WordRepo {

    override suspend fun deleteAllLogsOlderThan(XDays: Int): Int = wordDao.deleteAll()


class WordViewModel(private val wordRepository: WordRepo) : ViewModel() {

    fun deleteAllLogsOlderThanA(XDays:Int): Int = runBlocking {
            withContext(IO) {

like image 581
Crash1hd Avatar asked Mar 13 '19 15:03


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1 Answers

The question is where to specify that repository jobs should run on IO threads pools:

  • A) In Repository
  • B) In ViewModel

Frankly I am not sure which way is better.

B) Having it in ViewModel means more transparency of what runs on which thread. This is also the way I mostly worked with RxJava. As a negative your ViewModel will be cluttered with thread switching (withContext()), while it's actually obvious that all repository job should run on the background thread. So is this extra information any useful?

A) Having it in Repository means more flexibility regarding thread switching in repository and cleaner code in ViewModel. Code will be less explicit from ViewModel point of view about threads. As a negative all repository methods will need to be suspended, so thus usable only from coroutines.

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Malachiasz Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09
