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which free LDAP server to use?





I am trying to build a web application that will use an LDAP server on an Apache Tomcat 7.0 . Looking over the internet i have not find sufficient articles to justify why use one rather another server.

So I have turned to the more experienced guys here that have sufficient experience with more than one LDAP server.

My requirements are: To be free, easy to install and use (good gui) and sufficient API's so that i will be able to insert users, groups, perform lookups etc from a java based application. It should also provide a good level of security.

Thank you in advance for your attention

like image 822
m222 Avatar asked May 31 '12 07:05


People also ask

What are different LDAP servers?

OpenLDAP, ApacheDS, OpenDJ, and 389 Directory server all allow you to establish secure communication and define privileges for your users; they also have strong encryption methods for storing user passwords.

Is OpenLDAP open source?

OpenLDAP Software is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. The suite includes: lloadd - stand-alone LDAP Load Balancer Daemon (server or slapd module)

What is the difference between LDAP and OpenLDAP?

What Is the Difference Between LDAP vs. OpenLDAP? OpenLDAP is a free, open-source implementation of the LDAP protocol. Because it's a common, free iteration available to anyone, OpenLDAP is sometimes referred to as just “LDAP.” However, it is more than just the protocol; it's light LDAP directory software.

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There are two options for LDAP authentication in LDAP v3 – simple and SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer). Anonymous authentication: Grants client anonymous status to LDAP.

2 Answers

I will recommend going with openLDAP as server, UnboundID as LDAP SDK, JXPlorer or ApacheDirectoryStuido as GUI control over the ldap - this covers probably all of your requirements.

All of the above software is free:

  • openLDAP is probably the widely used LDAP server, if you don't count ActiveDirectory. It's well documented and can be easily supported.

  • the UnboundID lib is the best I have experience with, and in my opinion - most friendly and feature rich lib for LDAP out there at this moment. Check out this feature comparison matrix.

  • the UI tools differ in complexity - JXplorer is the simpler one.

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hovanessyan Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 17:10


There's plenty of LDAP servers around. I am using OpenDJ, that has been developed on the older OpenDS, and I have never had problems on both.

If you like Apache you can use Apache Directory, but perhaps the most famous around is OpenLDAP.

Concerning the API for accessing to the directory using Java, this is not a feature to be looked for in a particular LDAP server implementation, because it's standard in Java SDK: the magic word is JNDI:

JNDI does for LDAP what JDBC does for Oracle -- it provides a standard API for interacting with naming and directory services using a service provider interface (SPI), which is analogous to an JDBC driver

(source: LDAP and JNDI: Together forever, I recommend to check out this excellent tutorial)

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perissf Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 17:10
