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Which Eclipse Subversion plugin should I use?

Subclipse, Subversive, or something else?

There's a bit of debate around the topic, can we come to some conclusion here?

EDIT: It's been a couple months now, and I ended up deciding the plugin slowed Eclipse down too much, and was a hassle to use every time I changed a file from outside Eclipse. I ditched the plugin all together and just went with TortiseSVN.

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Dean Rather Avatar asked Oct 09 '08 00:10

Dean Rather

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What is SVN plugin for Eclipse?

Eclipse is an open-source and free, java-based development platform. It is well known for its excellent plug-ins that allow developers to develop and test code written in different programming languages. Eclipse IDE support built-in integration for Subversion.

How do I use subversive in eclipse?

To install Subversive: Start Eclipse and select menu item 'Help > Instal New Software...' Then selec common software repository or if you need to install Subversive only, you can directly add Subversive update site by pressing 'Add' button. On the 'Add Repository' form enter the URL to the Subversive update site.

How do I know if SVN is installed in Eclipse?

In this window, navigate to Team -> SVN, and open the SVN connectors Tab in the resulting page. On this page, you will see a get connector's button. Click on it. #6) Eclipse will display all the connectors that are compatible with your Eclipse as shown below.

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Right click on the project -> Compare With -> Branch.. > or svn properties. This drives compare view (differential view) unusable.

1 Answers

This depends. Subclipse has superior support for checking out projects as maven projects - this is the sole reason we use Subclipse. Other than that, I have noticed subclipse bugs with syncing with SVN.

Subversive is much better at detecting new files to add to version control, and is also far superior with merging code from a branch, or even syncing with SVN (fewer bugs, etc.). So really, you should ask yourself what value you want. If you're not using maven, I would definitely go for Subversive.

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Julie Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
