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Which command could be used to clear screen in CLISP?




Such as cls for cmd.exe. It's very annoy if I can't do this.

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Thomson Avatar asked Feb 03 '11 03:02


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CLS (Clear Screen)

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Clear Terminal via Ctrl+L / Ctrl+Shift+K Shortcut An alternative in some terminal emulators is Ctrl + Shift + K . The command provides the same output as Ctrl + L .

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Method 1: Clear screen in Python using cls You can simply “cls” to clear the screen in windows.

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A common way to do that is to use the `clear` command, or its keyboard shortcut CTRL+L.

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You can use Ctrl+L keyboard shortcut in Linux to clear the screen.

1 Answers

You can use screen:clear-window to do this:

(screen:with-window (screen:clear-window screen:*window*))

For more information see the documentation on screen. Also note that these functions are specific to clisp.

like image 88
sepp2k Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 11:12
