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Which color space the iOS devices is used?





When I use the MAC Digital Color Meter to detect the RGB color of the screen, the RGB values can be shown in sRGB, Adobe RGB, original RGBs spaces, etc. And they are slightly different.

I want to use these values in the iOS Xcode platform, and use UIColor class to represent them, which color space should I choose in the Digital Color Meter?


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flypig Avatar asked May 15 '12 03:05


People also ask

Does Apple use sRGB or Adobe RGB?

What about Microsoft software, Windows-based computers, and Android devices. I guess we will see! A related issue is choice of wide color gamut. The most widely used wide color gamut among photographers is "Adobe RGB", but Apple chose instead to standardize on a wide color gamut used in cinema called "P3".

Does Apple use sRGB?

Apple products aren't "designed" for sRGB. sRGB is a standard developed by Hewlett Packard and Microsoft (and I think we all can agree those aren't Apples best friends). sRGB is the default for most Cameras and SmartPhones, that doesn't mean it's the best.

What color space do SmartPhones use?

The RGB color space is essentially all colors that can be created from Red, Green, and Blue colors, a very wide gamut. sRGB resides within that space and is the most common color space used in production today which is why sRGB is traditionally the color space you will want your mobile device to be tuned to.

Does iPhone have sRGB?

Most displays use the older "standard RGB" (sRGB) with a narrower color space — all of the iPhones prior to the iPhone 7 use sRGB.

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2 Answers

iOS itself only supports device-dependent color spaces. I've heard that sRGB or Adobe RGB is closest to the iPhone/iPad display.

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Donovan Voss Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Donovan Voss

iPhones definitely use sRGB. See this note on the page for CGColorSpace Reference:


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Mick Byrne Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

Mick Byrne