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Which browsers support a http 303 response?




After reading about redirects, it seems in the majority of cases I should use a 303 see here. So I was wondering if all browsers will support a 303 response, for both normal requests and ajax requests?

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slashnick Avatar asked Jan 06 '12 14:01


People also ask

What does an HTTP 303 response code indicate?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 303 See Other redirect status response code indicates that the redirects don't link to the requested resource itself, but to another page (such as a confirmation page, a representation of a real-world object — see HTTP range-14 — or an upload-progress page).

How do you do a 303 redirect?

In PHP you can perform a 303 redirect using header() : header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); header("Location: http://$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']/new/location/here"); The problem you may face is retaining the form information after the redirect.

1 Answers

303 See Other was standardized as part of HTTP/1.1 which was released in 1999. Essentially all browsers still in use support HTTP/1.1.

Common browsers:

  • Chrome (all versions)
  • Firefox (all versions)
  • IE 4+
  • Opera 4+
  • Safari (all versions)

Other browsers:

  • Lynx 2.6+
  • Mozilla 0.9.4+
  • Netscape 6.2+



According to HTTP Methods and Redirect Status Codes, Chrome 13+ supports 303 See Other.

Due to Chrome being released in 2008 and using WebKit (originally), it almost definitely has always supported HTTP/1.1. NOTE: This is an unsubstantiated claim, but I cannot find anything to the contrary.


According to HTTP Methods and Redirect Status Codes, Firefox 6+ supports 303 See Other.

Which browsers can handle Content-Encoding: gzip (found by David Z) indicates HTTP/1.1 is supported by Netscape 6.2+ (Mozilla 0.9.4+) which is the precursor to all Firefox versions.

Internet Explorer

According to HTTP Methods and Redirect Status Codes, IE 6+ supports 303 See Other.

Django #13277 (mentioned by oDDsKooL) claims IE 4+ is supported, but IE 5-6 have buggy implementations. Upon futher reading, is appears that IE 6 redirection works fine, but displaying a custom error message is buggy.

  • HTTP 303 and IE
  • How IE responses to different HTTP status codes
  • How IE Handles HTTP Status Codes
  • Description of Hypertext Transport Protocol Error Messages

Which browsers can handle Content-Encoding: gzip (found by David Z) indicates IE 4+ supports HTTP/1.1.


According to HTTP Methods and Redirect Status Codes, Opera 11.5+ supports 303 See Other.

Which browsers can handle Content-Encoding: gzip (found by David Z) indicates Opera 4+ supports HTTP/1.1.


According to HTTP Methods and Redirect Status Codes, Safari 5.1+ supports 303 See Other.

Due to Safari using WebKit which was forked from KHTML in 2001, I assume Safari has always supported HTTP/1.1. NOTE: This is an unsubstantiated claim, but I cannot find anything to the contrary.

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Uyghur Lives Matter Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Uyghur Lives Matter