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Whether Inner Queries Are Okay?




I often see something like...

SELECT events.id, events.begin_on, events.name
  FROM events
 WHERE events.user_id IN ( SELECT contacts.user_id 
                             FROM contacts 
                            WHERE contacts.contact_id = '1')
   OR events.user_id IN ( SELECT contacts.contact_id 
                            FROM contacts 
                           WHERE contacts.user_id = '1')

Is it okay to have query in query? Is it "inner query"? "Sub-query"? Does it counts as three queries (my example)? If its bad to do so... how can I rewrite my example?

like image 958
daGrevis Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 16:02


2 Answers

Your example isn't too bad. The biggest problems usually come from cases where there is what's called a "correlated subquery". That's when the subquery is dependent on a column from the outer query. These are particularly bad because the subquery effectively needs to be rerun for every row in the potential results.

You can rewrite your subqueries using joins and GROUP BY, but as you have it performance can vary, especially depending on your RDBMS.

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Tom H Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 04:03

Tom H

It varies from database to database, especially if the columns compared are

  • indexed or not
  • nullable or not

..., but generally if your query is not using columns from the table joined to -- you should be using either IN or EXISTS:

SELECT e.id, e.begin_on, e.name
                 FROM CONTACTS c 
                WHERE ( c.contact_id = '1' AND c.user_id = e.user_id )
                   OR ( c.user_id = '1' AND c.contact_id = e.user_id )

Using a JOIN (INNER or OUTER) can inflate records if the child table has more than one record related to a parent table record. That's fine if you need that information, but if not then you need to use either GROUP BY or DISTINCT to get a result set of unique values -- and that can cost you when you review the query costs.


Though EXISTS clauses look like correlated subqueries, they do not execute as such (RBAR: Row By Agonizing Row). EXISTS returns a boolean based on the criteria provided, and exits on the first instance that is true -- this can make it faster than IN when dealing with duplicates in a child table.

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OMG Ponies Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 03:03

OMG Ponies