I've looked all over the Haxe Flash Command-line compiler website but was unable to find any detailed documentation of the HXML files (scroll down to the "Changing SWF properties" section) which describe the compile.
Anybody know of a reference source?
Found HXML:
-swf MyApp.swf .... Compile to SWF
-main MyAppClass .... Entry-point Class (.AS file)
-swf-header 200:300:25:FFFFFF .... Width:Height:FPS:BackColor (of SWF)
Edit: Scroll down for my answer with the complete list of commands.
Got it! Here's the complete list of HXML / command line Options for the Haxe compiler
- —cp : add a directory to find source files
- —js : compile code to JavaScript file
- —as3 : generate AS3 code into target directory
- —swf : compile code to Flash SWF file
- —swf9 : compile code to Flash9 SWF file
- —swf—version : change the SWF version (6 to 10)
- —swf—header : define SWF header (width:height:fps:color)
- —swf—lib : add the SWF library to the compiled SWF
- —neko : compile code to Neko Binary
- —php : generate PHP code into target directory
- —x : shortcut for compiling and executing a neko file
- —xml : generate XML types description
- —main : select startup class
- —lib : use an haxelib library
- —D : define a conditional compilation flag
- —resource [@name] : add a named resource file
- —exclude : don’t generate code for classes listed in this file
- —v : turn on verbose node
- —debug : add debug informations to the compiled code
- —prompt : prompt on error
- —cmd : run the specified command after successful compilation
- ——flash—strict : more type strict flash API
- ——no—traces : don’t compile trace calls in the program
- ——flash—use—stage : place objects found on the stage of the SWF lib
- ——neko—source : keep generated neko source
- ——gen—hx—classes : generate hx headers from SWF9 file
- ——next : separate several haxe compilations
- ——display : display code tips
- ——no—output : compiles but does not generate any file
- ——times : measure compilation times
- —-no—inline : disable inlining
- ——php—front : select the name for the PHP front file
- ——remap : remap a package to another one
- —help : Display this list of options
- ——help : Display this list of options