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Where's the best place to report bugs regarding the Azure Portal website?



Does anyone know what the appropriate channel to report bugs (such as broken links) regarding the Azure Portal? I found there is an Azure feedback website but it seems to be more for feature requests and ideas rather than defects.

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neodymium Avatar asked Jan 13 '14 04:01


People also ask

How do I report a bug in Azure?

The only way to submit a bug report is through a support ticket.

Where do I report Microsoft bug?

To help us investigate the issue, you can contact our team within the app. Reproduce the problem you are having then just tap: Settings > Help & Feedback > Contact Support.

How do I report a bug in Azure DevOps?

You can filter the Bug Status report or change its display in the following ways: Change the start and end dates for the report. Filter the set of bugs that are counted by changing the iteration paths, the area paths, the state, the severity, or the priority. Change the grouping based on priority or severity.

1 Answers

Feedback for Azure Portal: aka.ms/azureportalfeedback

Azure Portal Twitter: @AzurePortal

You can also report bugs using feedback button (smile) in the nav bar (top right):

Azure Portal Feedback

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Jacob Jedryszek Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Jacob Jedryszek