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Where would you put your new open-source .NET project? [closed]

I'm currently working on a .NET project that I will probably make open source.

There are lots of places to put it though, anyone have any experience for a friction-less effort? Codeplex? Google-code?

Note: I prefer Subversion for the projects source-control.

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RasmusKL Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 03:03


1 Answers

Google code is my favorite. It has similar powerful simplicity and reliability just like other products from the Gmail.

I would not recommend SourceForge to anyone. Reasons:

  • Version control is slow
  • If you wire up integration server to their version control, they may ban your IP just for pinging version control frequently
  • UI is horrible and hard to navigate. You don't want to lose users just because of that.

CodePlex is better than SourceForge, but it still has more development friction that I would like to have.

like image 102
Rinat Abdullin Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 16:03

Rinat Abdullin